Local Woman-Owned Urban Farm Preserving Moments in History with Heirloom Produce
For Immediate Release
Los Angeles, California, July 1, 2021 - The Hungry Gardens is not your ordinary farm. Situated on one-acre in Sun Valley, CA, the farm specializes in growing rare heirloom vegetables that have historical and indigenous value.
Heirloom are types of produce that have been grown unhybridized for at least 50 years and are not genetically modified in any way. The seeds are open pollinated and contribute to the biodiversity in gardens and farms wherever they are grown.
“Some of the most beautiful produce is heirloom. You won’t see it in stores because it’s not often grown by big farms due to lower yield and the bottom line. It’s important we preserve these beautiful and special vegetables. I want people to fall in love with their produce and deeply enjoy each bite with a little bit of joy,” says Joni Albers, Owner and Producer, The Hungry Gardens.
This summer The Hungry Gardens’ heirloom tomato offering is attracting the attention of chefs and tomato lovers alike. Each of the 85 varieties grown is unique and has a story.
“Our Rutgers variety is the original tomato that Campbell’s used in their famous tomato soup from the 1930s until the 1960s. It was used because of the concentrated flavor, thin skin and sweetness - perfect for making tomato soup. However, when automated mechanical systems began to produce the soup, the Rutgers’ Tomato couldn’t hold up to the rough handling by the machinery. So, a new variety with thicker skin replaced the Rutgers. The tomato is still just as delicious as it was back then,” said Albers.
Tomato gift boxes featuring the farm’s heirloom varieties, from cherry to slicer, are available through September. The tomatoes, plus the full menu of heirloom produce, can be found online at the hungrygarden.com and weekly at the Montrose and Altadena Farmers’ Markets. Online orders are delivered in the Sun Valley, Shadow Hills, Burbank, and Glendale areas and scheduled pick-up is available for those not living in the local area.
The Hungry Gardens Urban Farm grows and preserves unique heirloom produce that is nutrient-dense, healthy and delicious. By using open pollination and regenerative farming methods, the farm is continually improving soil biodiversity, water retention, and its ecosystems. The Hungry Gardens is passionate about fighting climate change and providing education. For more information visit www.hungrygardens.com.
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The Hungry Gardens specializes in growing over 80 varieties of heirloom tomatoes.
A rare veggie grown at the Hungry Gardens sourced from an indiginous peruivian culture, the Queen of Malinalco Tomatillo. Sweet and citrus flavors with a pineapple overtone.